Jesus Film

Jesus Film teams are made up of local leaders who have a passion to evangelize the communities in their countries. Using modern equipment that can show the Jesus Film off of a battery pack in most of the major local languages of their country, teams enter new areas searching for a person of peace that will allow them to share their faith through film. Showing Jesus speaking their own language to people of every ethnic group and background, is a powerful evangelism tool that allows new churches to be planted both in rural areas as well as the suburbs of major cities. These dedicated teams reach out every month bringing the glad good news of Jesus Christ, the hope and light of the world, to the lost and hurting communities all across Africa. Pray for these teams! Read about the transformation of lives and connect with teams in prayer.

Special Jesus Film Project

If you are passionate to see Jesus Film Equipment delivered to Africa join our group and start sharing with those ready to help us get it there! We have 60 plus sets of equipment ready to go but need somebody to deliver it to places like Benin, Togo, Angola, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Burundi, Congo, Mozambique and more. If you are able to go, you can become a Paul! If you are willing to give to purchase an airline ticket for some of these Pauls, we need you to give! Let me know how you want to get involved! 60 sets of equipment to more than 15 countries in the next 6 months to Africa! Let’s go people! Join this group and keep track of the missionary trips to Africa. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a blessing and to celebrate with us God’s goodness!

Ministry Trip Info & Opportunities

To see stories of the JESUS Film from the different Field Areas Click on the Field Links below.

Africa West Franco Field


Africa Central Field


Africa Southeast Field


Africa South Field

Africa West Field


Africa East Field
